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UK government launches “pro-growth” net zero review

Published October 7, 2022

UK government launches “pro-growth” net zero review

The Department for Business and Energy and Industrial Strategy has enlisted former UK energy minister Chris Skidmore to carry out a review of the government’s net zero strategy, originally launched by Boris Johnson.

The review aims to ensure the journey to net zero boosts economic growth and create jobs and increases energy security. It’s announcement also confirms that government still aims to deliver on its carbon emissions reduction goal by 2050.

Skidmore will look at the ways in which the journey to net zero can maximise economic growth, alongside energy security and affordability, issues that have risen dramatically in importance since Johnson launched the strategy.

The review will seek to determine the most pro-business way to reaching net zero, while maximising the opportunities for innovation, investment, exports and jobs associated with the target. It will also look at what the economic costs and benefits are associated with new policies and technologies.

The announcement also follows a period of uncertainty in the run up to the election by the Conservative Party of their new Prime Minister, Liz Truss.  Skidmore will submit a set of recommendations in a report to government by the end of this year.

The review will consider evidence from consumers, investors, industrial leaders and experts in energy, land use and transport. Skidmore will seek views in a series of roundtables around the country.

“This shows the current administration is sticking with net zero,” said Alfa Energy’s corporate affairs officer, Jeremy Nicholson. “Net zero is going to be expensive and the government is seeking to ensure there’s something in it for UK plc, whether that’s for the financial sector, levelling up the regions, or making sure the manufacturing side of the economy gets a good slice of the action.”
